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Useful Application Notes
Below is a list of application notes written by HUNT ENGINEERING. We shall be adding to the list below on a regular basis. Make sure you are on our
technical update email list if you want to receive notification of updates to this section of the web site.
Also available are a number of Technology Papers which tell you more about HUNT ENGINEERING technology.
HUNT ENGINEERING Application Notes
Subject & Link to paper | ![]() (documents open in new window) |
General | |
Developing a real time system - an example | realtimesystem.pdf 12/02 |
Digital Communications systems | digitalcomms.pdf 04/01 |
Digital Down Conversion theory | DDCtheory.pdf 04/01 |
FPGA or DSP? | FPGAorDSP.pdf 04/01 |
How Fast can I Transfer Data? | N/A |
FPGA | |
Accessing multiple FIFOs in your FPGA design | multihilfifo.pdf 12/02 |
Accessing SDRAM in your FPGA design | fpga_sdram.pdf 08/05 |
Configuring HEART, statically or dynamically | confheart.pdf 10/03 |
Converting your FPGA design from Hardware Interface Layer V1.x to V2.x | hil1to2.pdf 12/02 |
Data Transfers to a Host PC or a processor based module | burstydata.pdf 24/10 |
DDC with HERON FPGA | DDCwithFPGA.pdf (using
HERON-IO2V) 04/01 DDCwithFPGA.pdf (using HERON-IO5V) 11/04 |
DDS with HERON FPGA | DDSwithFPGA.pdf 04/01 |
Filters with HERON FPGA | filterswithfpga.pdf 04/01 |
Getting Started with the Embedded PowerPC | powerpc_exA.pdf 11/04 |
Connecting the PowerPC Processor to Hardware | powerpc_exB.pdf 11/04 |
Implementing Multipliers in Xilinx Virtex II FPGAs | virtex2multipliers.pdf 10/03 |
Simulating your FPGA design with Modelsim | modelsim.pdf 12/02 |
Using Different Versions of ISE | using_different_versions_of_ISE.pdf 05/05 |
Using iMPACT with your HERON-FPGA module | impact.pdf 12/05 |
Using the VHDL support for HERON modules with design flows other than ISE | otherFPGAtools.pdf 02/02 |
Using the off chip SDRAM for Image Processing on HERON FPGA modules | sdramforimaging.pdf 10/03 |
Which FPGA tools to use? | FPGAtools.pdf 04/01 |
C6000 | |
Data Unpacking Techniques for C6000 Systems | unpacking.pdf 01/00 |
External Memory Types for 'C6000 Systems | memtype.pdf 05/99 |
Selecting C6000 Memory Models & Libraries | mem_model.pdf 06/00 |
Start your C6000 development before you receive hardware | startnohw.pdf 04/01 |
Texas Instruments Application notes
A complete list of application notes available from Texas Instruments can be found at
their web site - click here for a link to the correct page.