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Technology Documents
Below is a list of documents about HUNT ENGINEERING technology. You do not need to read these in order to use a HERON system, they are simply supplied as information for those who would like to know more about HEART and HERON.
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Subject & Link to summary of paper (if available) |
Full Paper (open in new window) |
Technical Description of HEART | heartdesc.pdf (rev1.0 07/01/02) |
HERON Serial Bus Specification | hsbspec.pdf (rev1.5 13/03/03) |
HERON Resource Node Specification | heronspc.pdf ( rev.B 21/08/02) |
Control FPGA - Application FPGA Message Interface Specification | uiospec.pdf (Rev.B 27/03/07) |
HUNT ENGINEERING and Texas Instruments Application notes are also available