Home>>Products>>IP for HERON-FPGA modules>>FFT Demo
FFT Demo/Development Framework
This tutorial is aimed at demonstrating the use of the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) block from the Xilinx Core Generator. It demonstrates how an FPGA can be used to perform the FFT transfer at very high rates.
This demonstration can be run using a HEPC9 or HERON-BASE2 module carrier, using a HERON-IO2V without re-compiling. It would be easy to recompile it to use with another HERON-IO module, or perhaps the combination of a HERON-FPGA module with a separate Analogue I/O module. The FPGA outputs a modulated signal on its DAC outputs, and digitising that signal, performs the FFT function and outputs result data to the HERON FIFO using the Hardware Interface Layer. The Host API is used to receive the results using a graph program running on the host PC.
The demo demonstrates communicating between an FPGA and the PC and drawing a graph on the PC screen as well as using an FPGA to make an FFT.