HUNT ENGINEERING closed in 2010 - This page is for information only.
But from 2016 we are offering Electronics design services and consultancy.
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Home>>User Support>>New Project Plug-in History

New Project Plug-in History

The current version is always the version at the top of the list.

If you want to check that you have all the latest versions of our software on your CD and that all your manuals are up to date, go to the CD History page.

If you need the latest version of the New Project plug-in, you can download it now or request the latest HUNT ENGINEERING CD.

Version No.Release DateChanges to Previous Version
V1.9.929/03/07Added support for CCS 3.03
V1.9.822/02/06Bug fix fro CCS3 tuning edition
V1.9.728/07/05HERON-BASE2 support added
V1.9.612/05/05bug fix for CCS 2.21
V1.9.511/06/04CCS 3.0 support added
V1.9.328/04/03Added support for CCS 2.2