Home>>Products>>IP for HERON-FPGA modules>>Image Processing VHDL
Image Processing VHDL modules
Image processing applications can be built quickly using these VHDL sources. They use a standard interface allowing them to be pipelined together to perform high speed image processing pipelines.
Pixel modifying Functions
These function are applied individually to each pixel of an image, and involve a constant operator.
ADDK | ADD constant to each pixel |
SUBK | Subtract constant from each pixel |
MPYK | Multiply each pixel by a constant |
ANDK | AND each pixel with a constant |
ORK | OR each pixel with a constant |
XORK | XOR each pixel with a constant |
RSHK | Right shift each pixel by a constant |
LSHK | Left shift each pixel by a constant |
INVERT | Invert each pixel |
SQUARE | Square each pixel value |
FILLK | Fill image with constant |
FILLRAMP | Fill image with ramp |
Inter Image functions
These functions process each pixel of an image according to the value of the
corresponding pixel in a second image. Operators available include:
ADDimage | ADD two images |
SUBimage | Subtract two images |
MPYimage | Multiply two images |
ANDimage | AND two images |
ORimage | OR two images |
XORimage | XOR two images |
Convolution Functions
Convolution can be used to implement many different operations, particularly spatial
filters and feature detectors. There are generic convolution functions where you
can specify your co-efficients, and also some common filters implemented
directly resulting in lower FPGA resource needs and faster operation.
Convolve | General purpose 3x3 convolution |
hSobel | Sobel 3x3 horizontal edge detection |
vSobel | Sobel 3x3 vertical edge detection |
Findalledges | Sobel 3x3 edge detection |
hPrewitt | Prewitt 3x3 horizontal edge detection |
vPrewitt | Prewitt 3x3 vertical edge detection |
Laplacian | Laplacian 3x3 filter |
Lowpass | Low pass 3x3 filter |
Sharpen | 3x3 Sharpen image |
Convolve5x5 | General purpose 5x5 convolution |
hSobel5x5 | Sobel 5x5 horizontal edge detection |
vSobel5x5 | Sobel 5x5 vertical edge detection |
Laplacian5x5 | Laplacian 5x5 filter |
Imaging sources User Manual
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